23 Mar My nutrition school journey
About a year and a half ago I’ve decided to learn more about nutrition and health. I have a passion for it since I was very young, so now it was time to get more up to date knowledge. As my work includes travelling, the best option for me was online education, so I enrolled in Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York. After one year of learning from worldwide experts in different fields, I’ve changed my perspective on health and well-being. It did’t make me an expert in nutrition, but I’ve learned enough to trully understand the impact that food, exercise, sleep and some other things, have on our lives. Things that we put in our body every day, the way we move and spend our free time, will determine how we’ll feel, whether we like it and believe it, or not.
And by the way, I became a big fan of online education. It’s fun, easy to access from anywhere, you can listen to the lectures and learn at times when you feel most focused and you can repeat them if needed. It’s stuctured in the way to encourage you to think and contribute. For me, online education is going to play important part in the future of education.
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