06 Nov 10k night race Zagrebački Cener – Croatia
Traditional 10k night running race in Zagreb, Croatia – “Zagrebački cener”
The energy and atmosphere before, during, and after the race was really special. I enjoyed every moment of it. It’s a special competition where you really don’t feel competitiveness in people, but rather something totally opposite. Everybody is here for the same reason and that is to do the best they can and win the battle within themselves. That’s why you can feel a connection with other runners. At the end of the race, there’s no real winner, everybody feels like a winner and you can feel that satisfaction and happiness in everyone.
I just love running. Out of all types of training that I do, running gives me the best feeling. I like running outside, especially in the early morning. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a sports watch with an alarm clock. Fresh air full of oxygen enters the cells through the fast-running bloodstream, giving me a meditative kind of feeling. It also gives me a very good overall workout. For me, it’s a perfect mind and body preparation for all types of daily challenges.
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